"You can't get there from here"...

This expression is often used with a heavy accent to point out the fact that roads and routes do not seem to follow a linear pattern in Maine.   The more I drive in Maine, the more I understand why people say this.  Today,  I headed out to find my new equine vet in the town of Gray, and people used this expression twice giving me directions.  I did not have a high level of confidence that I would find it.  One stop and one phone call later, I arrived unscathed but thoroughly confused on how I'd actually achieved the feat.  I have the navigation gene from my father.... BAMMIT!!  In conversation, I was told that many of these 'roads' (and I use the term loosely) in Maine used to be parts of farms - cow paths that were paved over. 

Due to the complete improbability of returning home on the path that led me safely there,  I took a different road (wrong turn) and headed off on adventure... ohmy.  Uhm.. GPS, you say?  Yes, that would be lovely, but it was even more confused than I was, hence my return trip brought me home to Freeport from Gray through Cumberland.   (I can feel all Mainers shaking their head... and tsk-ing right now.)  My cell phone was likewise useless.  I went Southwest for a while only to turn and come back Northeast. So, basically, I drove in a circle for almost an hour.  Ay caramba!

I do not like being lost.  I usually call it "finding a new way to my destination", but today, I felt like I was wasting time and gas. 

On a positive note, I did see some beautiful horse barns, some lovely houses, beautiful landscaping and plants blooming.  Also, while I was driving in circles, the sun made a brief appearance to reacquaint me with what is supposed to be Spring.  It has gone back behind the clouds now that I am back in my driveway. 

Next time, I hope to find a better way home... and just in case, maybe I should bring another form of navigation. 


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