Notes to self....

I believe it is important to go back periodically so you can see how far you've come.  To begin here, I'm going to re-trace my steps.  This was some good advice I have tried to follow for the past 3 years, a compilation of lessons I've learned and have written down to remember.  

Notes to Self,

Do not be so driven by your vision that you negate the input of others. Your gifts are meant to be shared with those who contribute to the richness of your soul. These blessings in your life should be combined.

Take time to reflect, and be cautious about being caught up in a timeline of your own making.  The world evolves as it will.  Be open to it and let it fill you.  You cannot fill it with trivialities no matter how you try.  The universe laughs when you make plans.

Never regret reaching out your hand.  No matter how often it is slapped away or ignored, this act of love is so much more than the simplest of gestures. Your heart is there.

There is a fine line between owning who and what you are and bragging about it.  Should you find yourself not lost in the majesty and enormity of what has been given to you, step back and remember that you are no more than the conduit of some great magic.  Humility should be your key word.  To whom much has been given, much is expected.

Always remember in each moment that you are loved.  Should you go through your life with nothing more than that, then you would be rich.  To pass on your way with the diversity of people who share your journey and to live each of those moments to their fullest is to lead a worthwhile existence.


Find wonder.  

Seek happiness.  




Manifest your life.

Choose joy. 


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