Have you ever been at a crossroads in your life, easing onto the new path to check out the flora and fauna down this way, seeing new wildlife and following leaves down a stream for so long that at some point you look up and find yourself looking back and wondering how you got here?  This is where I find myself today - looking up and realizing that while I have enjoyed meandering for awhile, I see sunlight ahead and I want to move forward towards a place where I can meet up with my friends, stretch out, and see more of the world.  This is the place to do that.

In July I attended Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within, and spent 4 amazing days with 6000 other people overcoming our fears and transforming our lives.  You may have read about this event in San Jose, or seen it on the news.  It was said that 21 people were hospitalized with severe burns.  They were not - and this was later retracted.  Out of 6000 people, 21 people were treated for minor burns - akin to a sunburn.  Not a bad percentage, but then again, 6000 people successfully walked over 1200-2000 degree coals doesn't make a great headline - 3 million people have already done this.

Reading that, you may think, were they crazy?  It wasn't done, as Tony says, to 'teach new picnic skills'.  It teaches that you can do anything you set your mind to doing.  It is about programming your mind toward success, and letting go of your fears and limiting beliefs.  It creates freedom to do anything. In a state of certainty, you can do anything you want to do.  I cannot fully express my gratitude for this life-altering experience.  I have the t-shirt - FIREWALKER - Fear Into Power.  I have no photos or video of me doing this, just the power of the moment.

You can watch Oprah do it here:

This was not even the best part of the event!  For me, that was Transformation Day.  I let go of fears that I didn't even know existed within me.  It felt like I untied knots in my chest that had been there for years and years - going back to when I was a child, and when our family lost my sister suddenly and tragically, and all manner of hurts and injustices and trauma that occur in any life.

The thing I learned that day was that all the energy I gave to that negativity, without even realizing it, caused stresses in my mind and body, and blocked so many good memories.  We did an exercise where we released old hurts and fears, and replaced them with moments of happiness and joy.  I remembered as a young child, 3 or 4 at most, when I was in the car with my entire family asleep but for my dad.  We were driving to West Virginia to visit my grandparents and I woke in the middle of the night, and he told me to come sit with him.  I sat in his lap and he let me 'drive' the car!  I couldn't see his hands on the wheel - I was focusing on the stretch of road within the headlights.  That one  moment, snuggled in my father's arms and isolated in time, came to me when I needed to fill in the holes the negative energy left open.  Such a good memory, such a warm and loving time and space.

Today, I read Dishwasher 6's blog - and you should too - and encouraged her to do more of that - to gift herself with the time and energy to blog and to connect with the people who found her through her blog.  I am taking my own advice and dipping my toes back into the water.

To read Dishwasher 6 - click here -

Thanks for visiting!  I am off to dust off the cobwebs and tidy up around here.  I will be reading your blogs as well! 


  1. Your post title pulled me in. I've never attended such a seminar, gathering, event, whatever, but if I had the money to do so, I probably would. Instead I have learned through the decades to reframe and repurpose aspects of my self. Isn't it amazing how much influence we have over our own selves?

  2. The power we hold within never ceases to amaze me. Tony does scholarships through his foundation if you want to attend an event!

  3. Sounds an amazing time. I've not attended anything like that. I suspect you will carry it with you for a long time to come. Well said.

  4. Thanks, Brenda. I absolutely will carry it with me for a long time. It has changed the way we begin our day, what I choose to put in my body to nourish it, how much effort I put into working out, all my relationships, etc....

    And I am going to several other seminars that Tony does - Date With Destiny is next!

  5. Anyone know why my links aren't working?

  6. I don't know about your links. I have to use the link button when writing a post to get anything to work correctly in here. grrr....but I did read your blog and I thank you mightily for the shout out :o) as for Firewalker, I KNEW you had that in you, and I'm glad you know it too. It sounded like a very empowering moment. Love you <3

  7. Thanks, TM! Y'all can just click on Dishwasher 6 above and get to her blog! <3

  8. What a fantastic experience! There's something about doing what you never thought you could/would that makes us realize that we really can do ANYTHING. The power is ours.

    Oh, and an hour ago, I was writing the first blog post I've written in ages (not counting the weekly GBE prompts, but those really don't count) and its title is "Dipping my Toes in the Water." Synchronicity! :O)

  9. THIS was the BEST read of the week for found..true authenticity!! Ok can't wait to read your friends blog!! I will post this on GBE2 everyone should read this! Thanks for commenting on my blog or i wouldn't have found you

  10. Could you invite me to read your friends blog? Its for :invited readers only: thanks

  11. @Beth - It was a truly amazing experience! And as for our synchronicity - do you ever think that we all tap into the great subconscious in order to reach our creative selves? I do. :D

    @Brenda - Thanks so much! I have had a very busy weekend and didn't get to finish reading all the blogs on GBE2 but I did get to my favorites!

    I sent TeriMichelle a message to let you read her blog!


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