
Showing posts from June, 2024

Free Write 6/28/24

 I haven't done a free-write Thursday yet but it isn't because I don't want to do it, I am simply having a difficult time finding Thursday.  Things are a bit undisciplined as to days of the week currently as (looks at notes) Wednesday a plea went out on the Rescue chat (we foster cats/kittens) for someone to take a very small, newborn kitten who was brought by a feral Mama cat -in her mouth- to the person who feeds the ferals.  It's umbilical cord was still attached when it was brought to an animal hospital where another foster for the rescue works.  I, having raised babies as young as 2-3 days, said I would come get it.  It is an hour away so I packed a quick bag with a small warmer,  a bottle of warm KMR (kitten milk replacement) full of hot water and placed in my thermos, a small crate with soft blankets, a heartbeat sound, and was out the door. Traffic was bad on the farm road.  Trucks and cars and construction, oh my!  Took me more than an hour to get there but I h